What is the minimum line thickness I should use?
All lines in your artwork should be at least 0.3pt or 0.1mm in width.
What is the minimum font size/thickness?
We recommend text should be at least 8pt using a non narrow, ultra-light or ultra-thin font.
Narrow, ultra-light and ultra-thin fonts can appear dotted and this can render the text very difficult to read.
Imagesource can not guarantee the outcome if you choose to use a small font size or narrow, ultra-light or ultra-thin fonts in your artwork.
What black should I use for my fonts and lines?
We recommend all fine black text or lines are set to: C=0%, M=0%, Y=0%, K=100%. All such text or lines should also be set to overprint. Overprint is set automatically when using the default black swatch when using InDesign.
How should the fonts in my artwork be supplied?
Please ensure all fonts in your artwork are embedded, outlined (converted to outlines/curves) or you can supply us with the font files.